The result of insitu-tensile test shows that the behavior of fracture is transcrystalline rupture. 扫描电镜下的原位准静态拉伸试验表明,合金的断裂行为是穿晶韧性断裂。
The main fracture way of boron carbide-lanthanum boride composite material is intercrystalline rupture, while the transcrystalline rupture is minor, which is in accordance with fracture mechanism of boron carbide. B4C-LaB6材料断裂方式主要是以沿晶断裂为主,穿晶断裂所占的比例变得很小,这与陶瓷材料断裂韧性提高机制相一致。
Both ends of boundary indicate 2 different mechanisms of fracture: transcrystalline rupture appears in the section close to surface outside the boundary; 沿界面两端表现出2种不同的断裂机制:界面以外靠近表面部分,其断裂主要是穿晶断裂;